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Get our new Philly Co-op Coffee to support area co-ops!

If you go to your local Philadelphia area food coop, look out for a special blend now available that gives back to the community. Philly Coop Coffee is a perfect blend of our smoky Peruvian french roast with the sweet nuttiness of our Honduras. For each one pound sold, $1 will be contributed to the Philadelphia Area Coop Alliance, a non-profit that is focused on improving the lives of people in the Philadelphia region by supporting democratically organized businesses and the cooperative economy. Many of the best-known members are the area food coops where many of you may shop. Find out more about PACA at their site and donate if you feel so inclined.

You can find Philly Coop Coffee at Swarthmore Coop, Mariposa, Creekside Coop, Weavers Way in Mt. Airy, Chestnut Hill and Ambler and Doylestown Food Market. It’s a collaboration that we hope is just the start

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