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Making Materials Matter - Open Forum on Sustainability

Making Materials Matter is an Open Forum on Sustainability in the Arts.

As consumers and Makers, we can make a lot of waste. But there are creative solutions, from sourcing more sustainable materials to diverting reusable resources from the waste stream.

NextFab Makers Space and The Resource Exchangeboth located in Northern Liberties/Lower Kensington, are partnering to host an open forum event focused on sustainability and reuse in the local creative community. This free-form discussion will bring together a diverse group of experienced individuals and organizations in order to brainstorm ways of creating without creating waste.

Philly Fair Trade will be hosting our delicious house-made hot cocoas at the event along with other local food vendors and showcased artists. Keynote speakers are Alex Mulcahy from Grid Magazine, Nic Esposito the Zero Waste and Litter Director for the City of Philly, Tiffany Threadgould of TerraCycle and more!

NextFab is located at 1227 N. 4th Street. Visit the event link for more details!


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