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Costa Rica - Limited Roast

Costa Rica - Limited Roast

Regular price $22.00

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Like the appeal of small batch roasted coffee?  Then we've got a small batch for you!  From time to time we will be offering small batch, super limited time coffee.  Whereas some of our limited coffees hang around a few months, this is closer to a few bags!  From this roast we have only 14 of our 12 oz bags to sell here.  So in only 14 bags, this roast will be sold out!

PS - we do have another round of these beans for a future same sized roast.

Quick basic info below - 

Country: Costa Rica
Region: Central Valley
Processing Station: Las Lajas 
Varietal: Bourbon
Process: Natural Process
Tasting notes: Pineapple, Watermelon and Kiwi
Roast degree: Light

Available in whole bean only.

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