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Crop to Cup and Projet Vache

We partner with a Coffee Importer called Crop To Cup. Our purchase and yours are currently directly supporting their current efforts in Projet Vache. The goal of the program is quite simple: increase incomes by improving farm productivity, quality and provide alternative sources of income. This program provides livestock on their farms, how to care for the animals with trained veterinarian education, increase the quality of their compost for their coffee trees and ultimately increase the quality of life for the local community.
This coffee from Burundi in Africa is not certified Organic or Fair Trade. When you read about their mission and efforts, you'll see why PFTR trusts that the farmers and their communities are being treated and getting paid fairly.
Projet Vache is just now getting underway so visit this link to the article posted on Crop to Cup's website to read more about how your coffee purchase makes a difference!
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