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Progress Update for Burundi's Projet Vache!

For those of you who follow us on Instagram, you may have seen a post from one of our trusted coffee importers, Crop to Cup. To view the post with pictures and comments, click here. The text is below and we are so impressed by the hard work and effort in enhancing this community's agriculture. We are proud to be among the supporters of this project and excited for the farmers and their families to learn and grow a more sustainable set of skills that will definitely improve their lives. As our thumbnail pic shows, I think the animals are happy too :)

Every purchase you make from Philly Fair Trade Roasters of our Burundi beans directly assists the success of this Project. Make a difference with this delicious coffee!

From Crop to Cup's Instagram post 1/23/19:

THANK YOU BURUNDI BUYERS! If you’ve bought Burundi from us any time in the past you’ve contributed to the purchase of 2 bulls and 6 cows. #ProjetVache is now officially launched at 2 cherry collection centers (Buhorwa and Nyarucamo) serving Buhorwa Washing Station near Bukeye. Here you can see these lovely beasts enjoying day 1 at their new homes. This is phase one, and phase 2 will see another site opened at the nearby Gatare Washing Station. These centers provide organic manure and dairy income to the farmers who have organized into official farmer associations to manage this project and strengthen their coffee quality program. Adequate training for animal husbandry, compost management, farmer organization and good agricultural practices (GAP) takes a long time to do right, so it took us 1.5 years to move this project from the farmers’ idea to site launch (first dung hit the ground a few weeks ago). SOOOOOO jazzed for our May/June sourcing trip to Burundi to learn some milking skills. Green buyers - you are invited! PM or email us if interested. @dispatchcoffee @bindlecoffee @phillyfairtraderoasters - could not have launched without your additional support!!!!

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